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Sudah Terbit di Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi, Masih Bisa Dikoreksi Pembaca

Nazroel.id – Penerbitan artikel ilmiah di jurnal internasional bereputasi harus diperhatikan kesempurnaan tulisan tanpa kesalahan. Setelah lolos dari editor, reviewer, ternyata pembaca bisa memberikan koreksi, dan bila di setujui editor jurnal bisa diperbaiki malah di tarik jika kesalahan di data ditemukan fatal.

Hal ini terjadi di jurnal Heliyon, Q1 Scopus, dengan judul “Characterization and antioxidant activity of pectin from Indonesian mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) rind”

Tanggal 3 Desember 2019 menerima email dari tim editor seperti dibawah ini :

Dear Dr Wathoni,

Thank you for publishing your manuscript “Characterization and antioxidant activity of pectin from Indonesian mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) rind” with Heliyon.

A reader recently noticed an apparent inconsistency in the values you have quoted for the IC50 of pectin. In your abstract and Table 2, the value is quoted as 161.94. In your discussion section 4.3, the value is given as 3.39. In table 2, 3.39 is the IC50 given for Ascorbic Acid.

This email is being sent to inform you that we may need to issue a correction to fix this inconsistency. An editor is currently reviewing the inconsistency to determine whether this would seriously affect the outcomes of your paper, or if a minor correction may be needed.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and I will keep you updated on the status of this issue.

Setelah dilakukan pengecekan, apa yang ditemukan memang benar. Kesalahan pengutipan terjadi, nilai IC50 dari pektin pada bagian diskusi 4.3 seharusnya sama dengan yang tertera di Tabel 2.

Segera setelah menerima email, mengkonfirmasi dan meminta editor untuk merevisi. Ternyata, perlu pernyataan permintaan maaf dari author seperti di bawah ini :

Baca ini yuu :   Tips 16 Publikasi Internasional Terindeks Scopus dalam Setahun

Dear Dr Wathoni,

Thank you for your email. We have now confirmed with an editor that they agree with your assessment, and the correction would not affect the results or data.

In order to issue a correction, I must first request from you the following:

-Suggested wording for the corrigendum;

-Any display items that require updating;

-A tracked word document showing the changes that you are making to the final published version, including changes introduced during proof.

An example of corrigendum wording can be seen here: “In the original published version of this article, an error was present in figure 1. The numbers in the figure which referred to entries in Table 1 were incorrect. The authors apologize for this mistake.”

Akhirnya merevisinya dan menunggu untuk dipervaiki.

About nazroelwathoni

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