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ASEAN Scopus Cite Score Tracker, Indonesia Peringkat Keempat Setelah Thailand – Situs pengindeks database Scopus yakni Cite Score Tracker ( menempatkan Indonesia berada di peringkat keempat setelah Singapura, Malaysia, dan Thailand.

Berikut ini adalah Data SCOPUS CiteScore kondisi pada bulan Oktober 2017. Journal di ASEAN yang masih terindeks Scopus ada sebanyak 231 journal ini tidak termasuk data jurnal yang baru diindex pada tahun 2016. Adapun rekapitulasi journal terindeks Scopus dari negara di ASEAN adalah :

  2. MALAYSIA 76
  3. THAILAND 26
  6. BRUNEI 1

Selengkapnya :

NO NAMA JOURNAL ISSN Country CiteScoreTracker
1 Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision 15722740 SINGAPORE 7,83
2 International Journal of Neural Systems 01290657 SINGAPORE 3,69
3 Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 02182025 SINGAPORE 2,35
4 American Journal of Chinese Medicine 0192415X SINGAPORE 2,28
5 Asia Pacific Journal of Management 02174561 SINGAPORE 1,46
6 Journal of Integrative Medicine 20954964 SINGAPORE 1,38
7 Fractals 0218348X SINGAPORE 1,36
8 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 02194554 SINGAPORE 1,34
9 International Journal of Modern Physics D 02182718 SINGAPORE 1,31
10 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied 02181274 SINGAPORE 1,16
Sciences and Engineering
11 International Journal of Information Technology and Decision 02196220 SINGAPORE 1,10
12 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and 02184885 SINGAPORE 1,03
Knowlege-Based Systems
13 Journal of Mathematical Logic 02190613 SINGAPORE 1,03
14 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 02191997 SINGAPORE 0,95
15 International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial 02180014 SINGAPORE 0,94
16 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 0129055X SINGAPORE 0,92
17 International Journal of Computational Methods 02198762 SINGAPORE 0,89
18 International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and 2088-5334 INDONESIA 0,87
Information Technology
19 International Journal of Modern Physics A 0217751X SINGAPORE 0,82
20 International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 02198436 SINGAPORE 0,82
21 Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials 02188635 SINGAPORE 0,81
22 Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 17935458 SINGAPORE 0,81
23 Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 02196867 SINGAPORE 0,80


24 Malayan Nature Journal 00251291 MALAYSIA 0,80
25 International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical 21801606 MALAYSIA 0,77
26 Open Systems and Information Dynamics 12301612 SINGAPORE 0,76
27 International Journal of Modern Physics C 01291831 SINGAPORE 0,75
28 Asian Nursing Research 19761317 SINGAPORE 0,74
29 International Journal of Biomathematics 17935245 SINGAPORE 0,73
30 Modern Physics Letters A 02177323 SINGAPORE 0,71
31 Asian Development Review 01161105 PHILIPINA 0,71
32 Tropical Life Sciences Research 21804249 MALAYSIA 0,71
33 Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 02196336 SINGAPORE 0,70
34 Journal of Physical Science 16753402 MALAYSIA 0,70
35 Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology 0125877X THAILAND 0,69
36 International Journal of Modern Physics E 02183013 SINGAPORE 0,69
37 JAMS Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies 20052901 SINGAPORE 0,69
38 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 02175959 SINGAPORE 0,68
39 Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 2010135X SINGAPORE 0,68
40 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern 02198878 SINGAPORE 0,65
41 Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 02172445 SINGAPORE 0,63
42 Functional Materials Letters 17936047 SINGAPORE 0,61
43 Singapore Medical Journal 00375675 SINGAPORE 0,60
44 International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 02188430 SINGAPORE 0,60
45 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and 02190257 SINGAPORE 0,60
Related Topics
46 Journal of Computational Acoustics 0218396X SINGAPORE 0,59
47 Advances in Complex Systems 02195259 SINGAPORE 0,59
48 International Journal of Quantum Information 02197499 SINGAPORE 0,58
49 Western Pacific surveillance and response journal : WPSAR 20947321 PHILIPINA 0,57
50 Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 22894659 MALAYSIA 0,57
51 Parallel Processing Letters 01296264 SINGAPORE 0,54
52 Fluctuation and Noise Letters 02194775 SINGAPORE 0,54
53 International Journal of Nursing Sciences 23520132 SINGAPORE 0,54
54 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 01281283 MALAYSIA 0,54
55 Engineering Journal 01258281 THAILAND 0,53
56 Journal of Topology and Analysis 17935253 SINGAPORE 0,53
57 Gema Online Journal of Language Studies 16758021 MALAYSIA 0,53
58 International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 2088-8694 INDONESIA 0,53
59 International Journal of Modern Physics B 02179792 SINGAPORE 0,52
60 Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 01195646 PHILIPINA 0,52
61 Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 1411-9420 INDONESIA 0,52
62 Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 02181266 SINGAPORE 0,51
63 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 01266705 SINGAPORE 0,51
64 International Food Research Journal 19854668 MALAYSIA 0,51
65 Tropical Biomedicine 01275720 MALAYSIA 0,51
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66 EnvironmentAsia 19061714 THAILAND 0,49
67 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 01290541 SINGAPORE 0,48
68 Biophysical Reviews and Letters 17930480 SINGAPORE 0,48
69 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2088-8708 INDONESIA 0,48
70 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public 01251562 THAILAND 0,47
71 Modern Physics Letters B 02179849 SINGAPORE 0,47
72 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 02182130 SINGAPORE 0,47
73 International Journal of Number Theory 17930421 SINGAPORE 0,47
74 Surface Review and Letters 0218625X SINGAPORE 0,46
75 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 02190249 SINGAPORE 0,46
76 Journal of Construction in Developing Countries 18236499 MALAYSIA 0,46
77 International Journal of Mechanical and Materials 21982791 MALAYSIA 0,46
78 Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences 1394195X MALAYSIA 0,46
79 Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis 1978-2993 INDONESIA 0,46
80 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 02181967 SINGAPORE 0,45
81 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and 02196913 SINGAPORE 0,45
Information Processing
82 Sains Malaysiana 01266039 MALAYSIA 0,45
83 Stochastics and Dynamics 02194937 SINGAPORE 0,44
84 Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication 22891528 MALAYSIA 0,44
85 International Journal on Electrical Engineering and 2085-6830 INDONESIA 0,44
86 International Journal of Mathematics 0129167X SINGAPORE 0,43
87 Journal of Biological Systems 02183390 SINGAPORE 0,43
88 Contemporary Southeast Asia 0129797X SINGAPORE 0,43
89 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science 01279084 MALAYSIA 0,43
90 Biodiversitas 2085-4722 INDONESIA 0,43
91 Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 15113701 MALAYSIA 0,42
92 Journal of ICT Research and Applications 2337-5787 INDONESIA 0,42
93 International Journal of Nanoscience 0219581X SINGAPORE 0,41
94 Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 2337-5779 INDONESIA 0,41
95 Journal of Oil Palm Research 15112780 MALAYSIA 0,40
96 Media Peternakan 0126-0472 INDONESIA 0,40
97 Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 01253395 THAILAND 0,39
98 International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge 02181940 SINGAPORE 0,39
99 The Malaysian journal of pathology 01268635 MALAYSIA 0,39
100 Asian Myrmecology 19851944 MALAYSIA 0,39
101 Acta medica Indonesiana 0125-9326 INDONESIA 0,38
102 Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, 22146873 SINGAPORE 0,37
Rehabilitation and Technology
103 Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 02190915 SINGAPORE 0,37
104 International Journal of Technology 2086-9614 INDONESIA 0,37
105 Chiang Mai Journal of Science 01252526 THAILAND 0,36


106 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 02529599 SINGAPORE 0,36
107 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 02182165 SINGAPORE 0,36
108 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 18234690 MALAYSIA 0,36
109 ScienceAsia 15131874 THAILAND 0,35
110 Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology 19057873 THAILAND 0,34
111 Telkomnika 1693-6930 INDONESIA 0,34
112 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet 01252208 THAILAND 0,33
113 Hand surgery 17936535 SINGAPORE 0,33
114 Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 01171968 PHILIPINA 0,33
115 International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials 22321535 MALAYSIA 0,33
116 Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 2337-5760 INDONESIA 0,33
117 Medical Journal of Malaysia 03005283 MALAYSIA 0,32
118 Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science 13946234 MALAYSIA 0,32
119 Singapore Economic Review 02175908 SINGAPORE 0,31
120 Asian Academy of Management Journal 21804184 MALAYSIA 0,31
121 Journal of Information and Communication Technology 21803862 MALAYSIA 0,30
122 Walailak Journal of Science and Technology 2228835X THAILAND 0,29
123 Sojourn 02179520 SINGAPORE 0,29
124 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia 01266187 MALAYSIA 0,29
125 Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 18238556 MALAYSIA 0,28
126 International Energy Journal 1513718X THAILAND 0,27
127 Malaysian Family Physician 1985207X MALAYSIA 0,27
128 International Journal of China Studies 21803250 MALAYSIA 0,27
129 Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences 13942506 MALAYSIA 0,27
130 International Medical Journal Malaysia 18234631 MALAYSIA 0,27
131 Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and 16859545 THAILAND 0,26
132 Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 00493589 THAILAND 0,26
133 International Journal of Computational Geometry and 02181959 SINGAPORE 0,26
134 International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety 02185393 SINGAPORE 0,26
135 Defence S and T Technical Bulletin 19856571 MALAYSIA 0,26
136 International Journal of Business and Society 15116670 MALAYSIA 0,26
137 International Journal of Innovation and Technology 02198770 SINGAPORE 0,25
138 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature 01285157 MALAYSIA 0,25
139 Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies 15114554 MALAYSIA 0,25
140 Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences 16851994 THAILAND 0,24
141 DLSU Business and Economics Review 01167111 PHILIPINA 0,24
142 Journal of Rubber Research 15111768 MALAYSIA 0,24
143 Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 03044602 SINGAPORE 0,23
144 Asian Journal of Business and Accounting 21803137 MALAYSIA 0,23
145 Malaysian Applied Biology 01268643 MALAYSIA 0,23
146 Indonesian Journal of Geography 0024-9521 INDONESIA 0,23
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147 Agrivita 0126-0537 INDONESIA 0,23
148 International Game Theory Review 02191989 SINGAPORE 0,22
149 International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems 01291564 SINGAPORE 0,22
150 Asia-Pacific population journal / United Nations 15644278 THAILAND 0,21
151 Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian 08593132 PHILIPINA 0,21
Agricultural Sciences
152 Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering) 21803722 MALAYSIA 0,21
153 Asia-Pacific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 01287451 MALAYSIA 0,20
154 Geotechnical Engineering 00465828 THAILAND 0,19
155 Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy 17939941 SINGAPORE 0,19
156 Kasetsart Journal – Natural Science 00755192 THAILAND 0,18
157 Acta Analytica 03535150 SINGAPORE 0,18
158 ASM Science Journal 18236782 MALAYSIA 0,18
159 Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia 01271962 MALAYSIA 0,18
160 Kajian Malaysia 21804273 MALAYSIA 0,18
161 Asian Biomedicine 19057415 THAILAND 0,17
162 China: An International Journal 02197472 SINGAPORE 0,17
163 Asia-Pacific Social Science Review 01198386 PHILIPINA 0,17
164 Malaysian Journal of Science 13943065 MALAYSIA 0,17
165 Jurnal Pengurusan 01272713 MALAYSIA 0,17
166 Malaysian Journal of Soil Science 13947990 MALAYSIA 0,17
167 Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine 01256491 THAILAND 0,16
168 Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology 01287680 MALAYSIA 0,16
169 Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 18238343 MALAYSIA 0,16
170 Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer 21801843 MALAYSIA 0,16
171 Institutions and Economies 22321349 MALAYSIA 0,16
172 Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and 18234992 MALAYSIA 0,16
173 Buffalo Bulletin 01256726 THAILAND 0,15
174 Philippine Agricultural Scientist 00317454 PHILIPINA 0,15
175 Neurology Asia 18236138 MALAYSIA 0,15
176 Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 16758544 MALAYSIA 0,15
177 International Journal of Geoinformatics 16866576 THAILAND 0,14
178 Journal of Musculoskeletal Research 02189577 SINGAPORE 0,14
179 Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 02199874 SINGAPORE 0,14
180 Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 1394035X MALAYSIA 0,14
181 Biotropia 0215-6334 INDONESIA 0,14
182 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 17935571 SINGAPORE 0,13
183 SEARCH (Malaysia) 2229872X MALAYSIA 0,13
184 Intellectual Discourse 01284878 MALAYSIA 0,13
185 Malaysian Journal of Microbiology 22317538 MALAYSIA 0,13
186 Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 1411-1128 INDONESIA 0,13
187 Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 2301-9468 INDONESIA 0,13
188 Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 01254685 THAILAND 0,12
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189 Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare 20101058 SINGAPORE 0,12
190 Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction 16758110 MALAYSIA 0,12
191 Thai Journal of Mathematics 16860209 THAILAND 0,11
192 Malaysian Construction Research Journal 19853807 MALAYSIA 0,11
193 Kasetsart Journal – Social Sciences 24523151 THAILAND 0,10
194 Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 22441638 PHILIPINA 0,10
195 International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies 18236243 MALAYSIA 0,10
196 Journal of the University of Malaya Medical Centre 18237339 MALAYSIA 0,10
197 International Agricultural Engineering Journal 08582114 THAILAND 0,09
198 Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies 08571074 PHILIPINA 0,09
199 International Journal of Economics and Management 1823836X MALAYSIA 0,09
200 Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities 01287702 MALAYSIA 0,09
201 Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 16750306 MALAYSIA 0,09
202 Medical Journal of Indonesia 0853-1773 INDONESIA 0,09
203 Philippine Journal of Science 00317683 PHILIPINA 0,08
204 Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine 00317705 PHILIPINA 0,08
205 Al-Jami’ah 0126-012X INDONESIA 0,08
206 Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 04953843 THAILAND 0,06
207 Al-Shajarah 13946870 MALAYSIA 0,06
208 Planning Malaysia 16756215 MALAYSIA 0,06
209 Global Journal Al-Thaqafah 22320474 MALAYSIA 0,06
210 Studia Islamika 0215-0492 INDONESIA 0,06
211 Asiatic 19853106 MALAYSIA 0,05
212 Journal of Mechanical Engineering 18235514 MALAYSIA 0,05
213 Asian Case Research Journal 02189275 SINGAPORE 0,04
214 Kemanusiaan 19858353 MALAYSIA 0,04
215 Critical Care and Shock 1410-7767 INDONESIA 0,04
216 Kritika Kultura 1656152X PHILIPINA 0,03
217 Acta Medica Philippina 00016071 PHILIPINA 0,03
218 ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering 16554418 PHILIPINA 0,02
219 Phillippine Journal of Internal Medicine 01199641 PHILIPINA 0,02
220 Brunei International Medical Journal 15605876 BRUNEI 0,01
221 Asian Bioethics Review 17939453 SINGAPORE 0,00
222 Nano LIFE 17939852 SINGAPORE 0,00
223 Philosophia (Philippines) 22441875 PHILIPINA 0,00
224 Philippine Statistician 20940343 PHILIPINA 0,00
225 Humanities Diliman 16551532 PHILIPINA 0,00
226 Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 01267353 MALAYSIA 0,00
227 Wacana Seni 21804311 MALAYSIA 0,00
228 Journal of Design and Built Environment 22321500 MALAYSIA 0,00
229 Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics 15112802 MALAYSIA 0,00
230 SEAISI Quarterly (South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute) 01295721 MALAYSIA 0,00
231 ABU Technical Review 01266209 MALAYSIA 0,00

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