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Publikasi paling baru Wathoni, N.; Yuniarsih, N.; Cahyanto, A.; Muhctaridi, M. α-Mangostin Hydrogel Film Based Chitosan–Alginate for Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis. Appl. Sci.20199, 5235 memiliki history artikel Received: 31 October 2019 / Accepted: 29 November 2019 / Published: 2 December 2019. Artinya 3 bulan dari mulai submit, revisi, hingga terbit.

Berikut adalah komentar dari 2 reviewer sebelum akhirnya diterbitkan.

Reviewer 1

English language and style
( ) Extensive editing of English language and style required
(x) Moderate English changes required
( ) English language and style are fine/minor spell check required
( ) I don’t feel qualified to judge about the English language and style
Yes Can be improved Must be improved Not applicable
Does the introduction provide sufficient background and include all relevant references? ( ) ( ) (x) ( )
Is the research design appropriate? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Are the methods adequately described? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Are the results clearly presented? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Are the conclusions supported by the results? (x) ( ) ( ) ( )
Comments and Suggestions for Authors
Wathoni et al reported an a-mangostin/chitosan/alginate hydrogel film for RAS treatment. Given the unmet clinical needs to develop mucoadhesive materials for treating various ulcerative diseases in the oral cavity or esophagus, the topic of this manuscript is of interest. The use of the chitosan alginate to fabricate hydrogel films to achieve the mucoadhesion and local release of mangostin is relatively new and of translation relevance. The work is recommended to publish with the following revisions.

Baca ini yuu :   Haruskah Larang Submit ke Publisher Jurnal Open Access? MDPI, Dovepress, Taylor dll

In the introduction section, previous work on the mucoadhesive hydrogels should be critically reviewed, especially the chitosan-based hydrogel systems. The abstract should be more concise.

Figure 2, A scale bar should be provided on all the images.

Did the authors do FTIR to confirm the existence of the drug in films? The use of XRD is not convincible.

Why do the peaks at 200-240 ºC of Alg in Figure 3b disappear in the final ChAlg HF?

Why was the in vitro release study designed for just 2 hours? Can the authors comment on this?

For the mucoadhesive study, which side of the film was moistened? The one with the drug or another side? How many films were attached to one glass object?
The sentence started at Line 179 is confusing as it was already mentioned in the previous sentence that the mucosa was glued on the glass. What does the author mean that the film was hung?

Submission Date
31 October 2019
Date of this review
02 Nov 2019 19:15:38

Reviewer 2

English language and style
( ) Extensive editing of English language and style required
( ) Moderate English changes required
(x) English language and style are fine/minor spell check required
( ) I don’t feel qualified to judge about the English language and style
Yes Can be improved Must be improved Not applicable
Does the introduction provide sufficient background and include all relevant references? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Is the research design appropriate? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Are the methods adequately described? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Are the results clearly presented? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Are the conclusions supported by the results? ( ) (x) ( ) ( )
Comments and Suggestions for Authors
the ms requires only few modifications, in particular I suggest to modify conclusions section in order to put more emphasis on the obtained resulsts, as well as I belive the abstract section should be less detailed.

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Submission Date
31 October 2019
Date of this review
08 Nov 2019 09:44:33

Bisa dikatakan Minor Revision, diberi waktu 7 hari untuk menjawabnya.

Tidak lama dari resubmit artikel revisi, muncul email bahwa artikel diterima, dan langsung memberikan penagihan untuk membayar 1500 franc. Uniknya bisa dirubah tagihannya ke USD.


Sedikit nakal dengan mencoba meminta diskon, tapi sayangnya dijawab tanpa ampun, bahwa tidak ada diskon dengan penjelasan terkait kebijakan open akses, dimana biaya publikasi dibebankan kepada author.

Dibayarlah dengan menggunakan kartu kredit VISA, bila menggunakan pay pal dikenakan biaya tambahan 5%.

Sehari setelah membayar, langsung dikirim proof reader untuk artikel dan diberi waktu 3 hari untuk perbaikan.

Sehari setelah resubmit perbaikan page proof, langsung muncul email bahwa artikel telah terbit di

Ini memang pengalaman pertama membayar jurnal yang cukup mahal di MDPI. Sebelumnya publikasi di Heliyon – Elsevier dengan biaya 1500 USD.

Paling mahal adalah di International Journal of Biological and Macromolecules – Elsevier senilai 3000 usd, 2 kali lipat dari MDPI. Tapi itu dibayar oleh promotor dari Kumamoto University.

About nazroelwathoni

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